Three teachers received the 2011 New Era Teacher (Guraru) awards from Acer Group Indonesia on Saturday. The recipients are: Wijaya Kusumah from SMP Labschool junior high school in Jakarta, Sawali Tuhusetya of SMP 2 junior high school in Kendal, Central Java, and Agus Sampurno from SD Global Jaya elementary school in Jakarta. They each received an Acer product, a cash prize and a one-year contract with Acer to become speakers in seminars on the use of information technology (IT) in teaching and learning activities in schools.
Acer Group Indonesia said it introduced the Guraru award to improve IT literacy among Indonesian teachers, where they were expected to utilize IT in teaching and learning activities and encourage their students to also actively use the technology. Wijaya said teachers needed effective ways to foster students’ creativity, and IT could help build that creativity. He added that blogs in particular could enhance students’ interest in reading and writing.
“The most important thing is how we can utilize technology in learning,” Wijaya told The Jakarta Post after the award ceremony. He said on his blog,, that information and communications technology also allowed teachers to easily share their teaching experiences with their fellow teachers, students and the public at large.
During the ceremony, held as part of the ON-OFF Pesta Blogger 2011 event, Guraru 2010 winner Urip said this year’s winners deserved their awards because they had inspired other teachers through their writings on the use of IT in teaching. A total of 2,566 teachers from more than 20 provinces in Indonesia took part in the 2011 Guraru Award, a 588 percent increase compared with last year’s 270 contestants.
“The figure shows that more teachers are realizing the benefits of technology and social media in sharing information and education,” Acer Group Indonesia marketing communication head Helmy Anam said in a recent media briefing. (drs)
Selamat ya, Pak! 🙂
wah, terima kasih atas support dan apresiasinya, paman tyo. jadi tersanjung, nih.
Selamat atas prestasi yang telah di dapat ya pak.
Sukses selalu
Ejawantah’s Blog
terima kasih atas support dan apresiasinya, mas.
selamat ya dan suksea selalu
ok, terima kasih atas support dan apresiasinya, bos.
Luar biasa! Selamat ya, Pak. Salam kenal 😀
salam kenal juga, mas charles, dan terima kasih atas kunjungan dan apresiasinya.
sukses ya pak..
matur nuwun supportnya, mas akhmad.
selamat buat pak Sawali
matur nuwun support dan apresiasinya, mas pencerah.
Selamat ya pak atas prestasi yang telah diraih. Sungguh luar biasa!
walah, biasa saja, pak mumun. terima kasih atas support dan apresiasinya, pak.
Selamat ya .. Pak ..Salut buat para guru yang aktif Ngeblog seperti bapak dan kawan-kawan
terima kasih atas dukungan, apresiasi, dan motivasinya, pak.
Good posting mas sawali atas informasinya
terima kasih juga atas kunjungan, support, dan apresiasinya, mas.
lho pak, fotonya kok gak ada.. coba minta saya yang mewakili…
mantab…….. sukses untuk bapak
hehe … kok saat itu kang bud ndak kontak saya, hiks. matur nuwun apresiasinya.
Congratulations, Pak Sawali. You deserve to receive the award.
matur nuwun supportnya, mas arif. terima kasih juga atas silaturahminya selama ini sehingga bisa memotivasi saya utk bisa terus ngeblog.
selamat pak, Anda memang layak mendapatkannya… 🙂
Keberhasilan pak Sawali memberi inspirasi buat guru seperti saya dan lainnya.
terima kasih, bu suka. sesungguhnya siapa pun berhak mendapatkannya. hanya faktor kebetulan dan keberuntungan semata kalau tahun ini saya diberikan kesempatan utk mendapatkannya.
Selamat ya pak. Semangat terus nulisnya….Eh, ternyata ada om jay juga.
terima kasih atas support dan apresiasinya, mas tanto.
Wah selamat ya pak… kalo boleh minta trik-triknya gimana membuat blok yang baik. Terima kasih
terima kasih pak fajar atas support dan apresiasinya. walah, saya juga masih terus belajar dan belajar tentang blog, pak.
hanya bisa mengucapkan selamat
terima kasih support dan apresiasinya.